Koji incubator

Koji incubator

Koji incubator Because one of my hobbies is brewing beer, I often find myself with a lot of spent grain. Bigger breweries often use it to feed livestock but ultimately, the value of the grain will never be at the level that it was before the brewing process. In order...


Helpmote Burnout is a big health issue in the Netherlands, leading to a shortened lifespan and higher healthcare costs for more than a quarter million people each year. A group of people that experience a high level of burnout and burnout related complaints are...
Design research

Design research

Design research My final bachelor project sparked my interest in the way that people are creative. Additionally, creating music is a way of being creative that is interesting to me, because of the way that people can express themselves.  Therefore, I set out to find...
Summer internship abroad

Summer internship abroad

Internship abroad Through the DECS project, I was selected to go abroad to Austria, to work in a design studio during the summer period. The design studio was that of Johannes Scherr, a designer that specialises in mobility, furniture, product, packaging and...