Koji incubator

Koji incubator

Koji incubator Because one of my hobbies is brewing beer, I often find myself with a lot of spent grain. Bigger breweries often use it to feed livestock but ultimately, the value of the grain will never be at the level that it was before the brewing process. In order...
Intelligent interactive products

Intelligent interactive products

Intelligent interactive products For this project, three others and I designed a rehabilitation tool for people that had suffered from a stroke. In the Netherlands, 3% of people aged 13 and older said to have had some sort of a stroke [1]. Usually, the rehabilitation...
Designing information products

Designing information products

Designing information products Sleep has been a topic of research for many decades, if not centuries. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, both physical as mental. In the long term, chronic sleep deprivation may lead to a host of health problems...
Designing intelligence in interaction

Designing intelligence in interaction

Designing intelligence in interaction As industrial designers, we often find ourselves sketching and thinking visually. One way that we think visually, is through mind maps and flowcharts. We usually sketch these collaboratively on A3 paper, only to scan them, put...